Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nelson Lakes

Hi Everyone, so sorry we have fallen behind. We have done a ton of traveling throughout the South island and have had very limited access to the internet. Before we left our last house sit in Blenheim we made one last camping/hiking trip to Nelson Lakes National Park. This park has two lakes hidden between some beautiful mountains. We hiked around one side of the lake and camped out for the night. It was a beautiful trip with the exception of sandflies. We need to work on finding a more powerful bug spray. :)
More pics to come asap - hope everyone is preparing for a wonderful holiday! We get to have our first Christmas in summer . .. not that NC is very cold these past few years, but beers on the beach might be a good substitute for a white Christmas. We'll report later . ..
Be in touch soon


Susan said...

It is Christmas Morning here in MN. Your phone call was the best gift.
Love and hugs, YVBA

April, Garrett, Millie said...

Wow! What an amazing place - the pictures are beautiful. We miss you guys, but are so excited (and a tad jealous) of your experience!
Happy New Year :)