Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Adventure

Hi Everyone, I thought it would be nice to start a blog to share our adventure with everyone. First I would like to thank everyone for all the love and support, we are really excited about the move and your enthusiasm makes it all the better. To catch everyone up, Charles and I are leaving on November 4th and heading to Blenheim, New Zealand. With the help of several wonderful recommendations from friends we have been given the opportunity to house sit for a lovely couple from the time we arrive until December 1st. This should give us plenty of time to get acquainted with the area and do lots of exploring. The house is set on a few acres and overlooks the ocean on one side and several vineyards on the other, sounds pretty amazing. All we have to do is look after some chickens, hens, free range ducks, a cat and do some lawn maintenance/ house work. We are still looking to see if we can coordinate another sit in December so keep your fingers crossed for us. If we don't find another house to look after we will probably head to Wellington. I'll do my best to keep this updated as more plans unfold and as our journey continues.


Jenn said...

Yay! Im so excited for you! Have a wonderful/safe/amazing flight and trip!!! Love ya!!!

Heather & Rob Beck said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I know it's going to be an amazing experience for you and Rob and I (and Carter :) )wish you the best of luck! I can't wait to follow your journey via the blog!!! Take lots of pictures!

Proud Parents said...
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Proud Parents said...

I am soooo excited about the blog! This is going to be an awesome way to keep up with your adventures.

Susan said...

You made YVBA so happy to know that you have started this blog and we can stay in touch as you journey into this adventure. I am so happy for the two of you. Take it all in and know that you are loved. Gram is going to feel better knowing that she will hear from you too.