Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fox Glacier

Our trip in Queenstown ended on December 12th at which time we made our way north via the western coastline of the south island. We had a few destinations we had to check out along our way and Fox Glacier was the first on our route. This was my first time seeing a glacier up close and it was so amazing. The staff and signs strongly suggested we not get too close but we didn't travel to the other side of the world to have to zoom in and take a photo now did we? Against all advise we walked to the foot of the glacier and even touched it before I demanded we head back immediately as I could see water falling of the glacier as it melted. Charles thought I was being a little over dramatic but since being back in Wellington we have heard of two tourist who got a little closer than recommended and actually died as part of the glacier collapsed... so I think we were pretty luck.


Anonymous said...

Wow - awesome updates guys!!! I love to Caution picture of you Lana - haha thats hilarious! How awesome do your pictures look??? I love the panaramic views Charles has been taking - wow - they are so great!!!! Looks like you guys are having a blast!

Susan said...

OMG! The photos and ocmments are great and bring this adventure to life. Love the Glacier experience. Been there done that but in Alaska. Glad you moved on safely. Thanks so much for keeping us posted and up to date. The pics are the best!
Love and hugs, YVBA

Thad said...

Great Pictures Lana! Thanks for keeping us updated to your adventures! I am keeping the IT challenged folks at work updated for you. Glad to hear that you and Charles are doing well. -Thad